Michael Weiner and Kathy Davis-Weiner
We have been blessed with the ability to give back to our Jewish community; it is both an honor and a privilege to which we are deeply grateful. To that end, we thank OJCF for the opportunity to fulfill, in a small way, our community’s needs.
Life is precious and is endowed with the meaning that one purposely adds into it. Every day, in large and small ways, we attempt to add into our lives the element of charity, Jewish charity in particular, for it is looking beyond oneself that gives life that greater purpose. As parents, one can only hope to guide, to cajole, and to lead by example. Only time will tell if we were successful, but it is vitally important to start that journey, and in that journey, OJCF is an enabler, to which we are thankful.
Although we worry that the Jewish traditions we grew up with are threatened by the strain of 21st century life, we take comfort in knowing that the vital elements that brought us to this day: our Jewish heritage, our parents, our clergy, and our peers, are a perpetual reminder of our link to the past and a bridge to the future. We take comfort in, and trust that there are countless others who will follow and enhance what we so deeply believe to be our sacred obligation.